Emmace is expanding!

The demand of Emmace’s services is steadily increasing. It is therefore a pleasure (and relief) that I welcome some very nice and top-notch competences to our team line-up:

Ann Ohlsson, started as Senior Inhalation Scientist and will strengthen our multi-faceted characterisation capacity for inhaled and nasal products. In addition to 25y experience in the pharma industry, she adds biologics knowledge into Emmace.

Johan Häkkinen, started as an Analytical Chemist. He will be a core person doing analysis according to our ISO 17025 accredited tests and will be vital in furthering the development in this new business area.

Jonas Jakobsson is working for Emmace as an Aerosol Scientist with special focus on new methods and bespoke testing. Jonas will also act as a seamless link between Emmace and Lund University when we kick off our new collaboration.

As well, I would like to mention that we are also expanding our lab space during March, so 2023 is indeed looking bright.

Mårten Svensson, CEO

Emmace is Expanding

Jonas Jakobsson (left), Ann Ohlsson (middle), and Johan Häkkinen (right)