Two Master Theses Successfully Completed
Two Master students at Lund University, successfully defended their thesis work in June, supervised by Emmace senior adviser Kyrre Thalberg, who is also adjunct professor at LU.
Gabriela Ponce performed a study addressing the effects of processing and composition on adhesive mixtures for inhalation. Formulations for the study were prepared both at Lund University, and at Galenica AB in Malmö, where Ann-Marie Lyberg acted as co-supervisor. Part of the analyses were performed at Emmace.
The project of Rojda Unal dealt with starch microspheres as a carrier for nasal formulations, and was initiated by Magle Chemoswed AB where also a large portion of the lab work was performed. Iconovo provided the nasal device. Evaluations using nasal casts were performed at Emmace.
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