Inhaler, Nebulizer and Nasal Device testing
Emmace has vast knowledge and experience in analyzing and evaluating inhalers, nebulizers, and nasal devices. We are happy to assess commercial products but also prototypes and exploratory formulations with both standard as well as customized experimental methods.

Inhaler performance testing and characterization of aerosols in real-time
Emmace maintains specialized laboratory instrumentation dedicated to inhaler performance testing, including advanced equipment for introducing patient realism into the test protocols.
For particle sizing of the aerosol that leaves the inhaler device, we typically use full-resolution and abbreviated cascade impactors. We can characterize some aerosols in real-time with laser diffraction.
We routinely measure plume geometry and spray pattern, delivered dose uniformity, and device air flow resistance.
All inhaler characterization studies are planned and designed in close collaboration with our clients.
Below, more information can be found for each methodology.
- Cascade Impactor (APSD) testing
- Delivered dose (DD)/Emitted dose (ED) testing, DUSA
- Nasal Device testing
- Nebulizer testing
- Laser diffraction testing of aerosol
- Plume geometry/Spray Pattern/Plume front velocity
- Dissolution testing of the lung dose
- Prediction of lunge dose In vitro in vivo correlation (IVIVC)
- Particle counters APS
- Solubility and chemical quantification of APIs / drugs
- Other Analytical techniques and instrumentation